Nickdhl23: yo bra
MStambaugh2235: yo double d
MStambaugh2235: okily dokily
Nickdhl23: thaaank u ned!
MStambaugh2235: no priddilyoblem neighbor
MStambaugh2235: you and your magic
standardbiker425: hahah its ok mike you will learn in time my friend
ah yes, as my pa used to say during our lazy summers in Maine: "you learn from experience son, and you dont have any. so get
started you cracka-ass bitch!!!"
"doesn't he play the hoozy-doozy?" -victoria
nick: aww that damn guy at swarthmore music gave me 5 dimes. why not just 2 quarters?
joe: you mean 1 quarter?
nick: uuuuuuuuh no
joe: yea huh how much you wanna bet
nick: as much as you want joe
joe: hey stambaugh isnt five dimes 1...oooooooooooooooh
tweepulchritude: im sooo blonde
MStambaugh2235: five pages of mindless dribble is definitely more entertaining than four
yeah dude
standardbiker425: deffinatly
Beast5290: and alot more things made out of wood
MStambaugh2235: hahahaha
Beast5290: cuz them southerners
like making things outa wood
MStambaugh2235: theyll look at me down there and be like "what does your mom feed you???"
magic beans
MStambaugh2235: hahahahahahahaha
Beast5290: and that will be your bean stalk
Beast5290: i am definitly having a thlumber party!!!!
Beast5290: u game chico?
MStambaugh2235: oh
my gaaaaaaaaaa
MStambaugh2235: girlfriend you should see how much im cheeeeezin!!
Beast5290: then when shes all fired up be like "soo, whats your favorite position?"
MStambaugh2235: be
a little more subtle man, like "i have a passion flaming in my heart and genitals for you. for so long you have been
appeasing my heart, but now i need you to start pleasing my genitals"